Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Goal

My goal in keeping this blog is to provide hopefully hilarious insights into life as a young, single woman in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Being Mormon means that as soon as I hit the big 23, I passed the average age that girls get married in the Church. It also means I’m a cultural anomaly. Because I don’t drink, smoke, or have sex, I’m more likely to meet a guy at a worship service or an ultimate Frisbee game than at a bar, where I could hide behind alcohol-induced self confidence. And that often leads to, as Jane Austen wrote, a “natural consequence to an unnatural beginning.” Which basically translates to “I meet a guy awkwardly and then do awkward things.” It’s a pretty good life, and it keeps me entertained.

If I’m successful, my posts are going to mostly funny, sometimes thoughtful, and always sincere. Hope you enjoy!

And yes, that creepy logo at the top of my blog is supposed to be an ode to the cover of “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” which happens to be my favorite book.


  1. You have no idea how excited I am about this blog. Please keep your wit coming!
